Industri@GREaT serves as the MoHe's industry repository, collecting verified information from industries and government agencies. This system facilitates the seamless exchange of job information and industry training opportunities between higher education institutions (HEI), the MoHe, and various industries.

Graduate Track Industry - JobMatching@GREaT
JobMatching@GREaT is an initiative to collect related data from industry or government agencies in collaboration with MoHe data sharing to meet the needs of the national labor market.
JobMatching@GREaTOffers Industrial Training - LI@GREaT
LI@GREaT is an initiative for the industry to provide industrial training internships to HEI students, enabling them to complete their education prior to embracing the real working environment.
LatihanIndustri@GREaTApprenticeship Cooperation between UA and Industry
Apprenticeship is a joint initiative between HEI and industry thats aims to promote graduate marketability by enhancing knowledge and skills via work experience in real working environment.